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I figured that since it's now officially Springtime, I'd post 13 of my favorite flowers. [In no particular order.]
So here goes...
13 Of My Favorite Flowers
1. Orchids
2. Bird of Paradise
3. Stargazer Lilies
4. Sunflowers
5. Sweet Alyssum
6. Snap Dragons
7. Honeysuckle
8. Morning Glories
9. Lavender
10. California Golden Poppies
11. Gardenias
12. Lily of the Valley
13. Roses
My parents love gardening. In the back yard of the house I grew up in, we had around 10 rose bushes. These were huge, beautiful bushes that lasted a good 10 years [maybe more, but that's when we moved] in every color imaginable of perfect, long-stemmed Roses. My dad loved these bushes and devoted part of each day tending to them to keep them healthy. When Spring rolled around, we'd have such an abundance of Roses that we'd have many bouquets all around the house all the time and would still have the bushes look as though nothing had been taken from them. I also brought a Rose to my teachers almost every day for the entirety of my elementary school life.
Now every time I see a Rose, it takes me back to the simplicity of my childhood and watching my dad in the garden.
On a completely different subject, some of you asked why I was in the ER the other night. I've had an ongoing migraine for 2 months solid. One long strange migraine behind one eye thats also causing me to see black spots. I ended up in the ER as it was getting unbearable and was greatly affecting my balance to the point where I couldn't stand or walk a straight line. So after sitting in the waiting room for 3 and a half hours I was hooked up and pumped with medication and then sent home. [And then woke up and the migraine was back...UGH]
No doctor has been able to give me a reason for it yet [from my primary doctor all the way to the neurologist] but at least I'm able to have a bit more of my balance back.
So thanks for the concern and yes, I'm fine. =]

[Edit: P.S. All of the picture's sources can be found by clicking on them]
Those are such beautiful pictures! I love all of them.
I'm so sorry about your migraines. I have never had one, but i hae seen my SIL with them and they are horrible. I hope you can figure out something soon. Get feeling better!
Beautiful! That brightened my day.
I love flowers, these are gorgeous pics! I love bleeding hearts! They remind me of when I was a little girl, and I planted two last year. I love them!!!
Glad you are o.k. Hope you are able to find some relief for the migraines!
Have a good night!
WOW those are amazing pics!
I am gonna have to sty with my roots and pick the sunflower..
We have fields and fields of them here.. !
visiting from SITS!
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