I've also gotten the chance to read eight books since Christmas day. Oh, it's so nice to be on break! Reading is one of my favorite pastimes and I always find myself a little saddened by my hatred of it during the school year. I not only often have to read books that are incredibly dull and difficult reads (in my opinion) due to the subjects that teachers feel set on using (though I do appreciate the exposure to genres I normally would have never thought of going near) but then I also don't have time to read the books I love and am dying to read. So I've taken full advantage of this time!!
I had an infection for three weeks and went through two rounds of antibiotics (after the first one, the doctor was baffled that it didn't work) and two days before the new year I got news that the infection had cleared. It was interesting in the doctor's office as I watched her turn through four pages of purely antibiotics as we were finding that I was allergic to ALL of them! There is only one antibiotic left that at this point I can take. It has lactose in it which I can't have but I have an intolerance to that rather than an allergy so I'm just miserable while I'm on it rather than being allergic! I'm just glad I can still take that one!! The doctors were watching me closely because they were really afraid that what I had was going to turn into a kidney infection. I am s thankful to say that it didn't!!
Now I just got a call about scheduling an upper endoscopy for January 15th to find out why I'm having horrible pain that is brought on my simply drinking a glass of water. I am more than a little freaked out at the idea of this.
I've never been sedated and people with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome are known to have difficulties with sedation. I'm also so allergic to so many medications I worry about the possibility that I may be allergic to the sedation.
If any of you or your kids have had this done or if any of you or your kids with many medical issues have been sedated I'd love to know how it went!
I'm in need of a bit of reassurance about this.
Even with that though I still think 2010 is going to be incredible. I start back at school on the eleventh with a difficult course load of English 5, Speech, Math, and a child development class ridden with english but feel ready to tackle it!
I came away from last semester with an A in English, an A in Theater, a B in History and an A in Child Development! The B dropped me down slightly from my 4.0 that I'd had but I am very pleased with the turnout especially given everything I went through last semester! =]
How is your year going so far?

Glad your year is going good. I love reading too although it is hard to find quiet time with a 3 year old. Good luck in the upcoming semester!
I've had that procedure and I am very high risk. My heart rate and blood pressure usually goes up but not dangerously so. I also have a history of allergies to anesthesia but the worst I've experienced is itching and vomiting. I suggest requesting I.V. benedryl if they don't already plan to do that. You'll feel groggy for a while but it's a quick procedure and you should be fine! Good luck!
P.S. - I actually had surgery today...same thing happened with the bp and heart rate but I'm A-OK. :)
Your attitude is encouraging. I will be praying for you with the upcoming medical and as you start back to school. God bless.
I wish you the best in all that icky medical stuff. Glad to hear that 2010 is off to a good start. :)
Love you,
Sending good vibes through all of the icky medical stuff. Glad other than that 2010 is going well already. Your grades are wonderful!! You should be very proud.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Love your new blog design. Congratulations on those great grades! Wishing a great 2010 to you and to all of us!
Good luck! I have lots of medical issues and have been sedated several times (including for an endoscopy), if it makes you feel any better. I insist that I be given anti-nausea medication through the IV before I wake up, and that really helps.
My husband had an endoscopy a few months ago too, for a Celiac disease diagnosis, ad other than being groggy he was ok too.
I hope yours goes well :-)
Happy SITS Sharefest!
Whoo, those are some super grades!! So sorry to hear about your medical issues...here's to a fabulous New Year for you and your blog looks great!! :)
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