Well, I received my MRI and MRV results yesterday which were normal [thankfully] but that left a lack of known cause once again. So I went to the neurologist today and have been put on a bridge of medications.
-Prednisone [80 mg a day] for 5 days
-Topamax [an anti-seizure medication] 25 mg to start with but I will increase it until I'm at 200mg a day
-Compazine [10mg] and Naproxsen [500mg] Mixture
Hopefully this will get me feeling amazing-here goes!
I also received a wonderful piece of mail today! I ordered a 2 sterling silver charms last week from a lady in the UK. She hand stamped them for me and they are now hanging around my neck. I'm really excited and will post pictures soon.
I have a class tomorrow [and will have the same class for the next 3 Saturdays] from 8am to 5:30pm on Child's dramatic play [and an hours drive each way] so I'm hoping that it'll be a fun class and that I will be thankful I'm giving up my Saturday =P !
Oh! I also had a group interview yesterday and one today. I have applied to be a YMCA camp counselor [the job I'm really crossing my fingers for] possibly at their performing arts summer camp but they have numerous different themed camps. I interviewed for that one this afternoon and think it went fairly well but with so many applicants [people with Masters degrees are even applying for the job] it's hard to say.
I got a call yesterday afternoon to come in for an interview last night for a job I didn't realize I'd applied for! I'd filled out a form online for a camp counselor for the city's parks and recreation department but when I went back to submit it I was told that I was too late. [That was close to two months ago.] So I was in shock when I got the call! I don't think that interview went amazing but that's okay.
Two weeks ago I had a friend visiting and we decided to go paint pottery. Well I painted an Easter egg and a jar. I went in to pick my pieces up along with all the others [my sister and her friend had come along as well] and they couldn't find my egg. I know it's silly but I spent 2 hours painting a 2 and half inch tall egg with an embossed flower and was really disappointed it was gone. They guessed someone had taken it by accident and said I could paint something else in exchange for it so I'll probably take them up on it, it's just...you know. Oh well.
I hope your week was filled with less rain then this past week here has [though the flowers have loved it!] and that you relax and enjoy this wonderful Easter weekend!

all the best for the camp counsellor position! and for the new meds too. thanks for stopping by
Thank you for the prayers and hugs. I know all too well how frustrating it can be to not get answers but I hope that the combination of drugs works.
Happy Easter
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